How To Treat Parasites Using Mimosa Pudica

Posted by Melissa // The Organic Babe on

Parasites. Let’s talk about these terrifying critters for a minute. Just hearing the word may send chills down your spine. But never fear — Mimosa Pudica is here! Unfortunately, I’m not talking about champagne and orange juice. I am talking about a beautiful and mysterious little plant. This plant is capable of treating the parasites you may have lurking in your body. Let’s briefly touch on parasites and how to get rid of them.

Do I Need to Worry About Parasites?

Even in the Western World, anyone can be affected by parasites. Some people are at higher risk because they have weakened immune systems. This is especially true for anyone that suffers from Chronic Lyme Disease. It is well known in the Lyme community that Parasites and Lyme Disease go hand in hand. Some Lyme Literate MD’s believe that Lyme Disease is impossible to treat without removing the parasites first. Some studies show that Lyme bacteria can hide within parasites, allowing it to be protected from antibiotics and other types treatments.

Mimosa Pudica

Since treating parasites is essential when it comes to treating Chronic Lyme Disease, it is is imperative to be on an effective protocol. This is where nature comes in. Mimosa Pudica is one of the most powerful yet gentle herbs for treating parasites. But what is this amazing plant?

What is Mimosa Pudica?

Mimosa Pudica is a perennial flowering plant native to South and Central America. It is one of the most fascinating plants on earth. People all over the world are intrigued by the way this plant reacts to stimuli in its environment. When Mimosa Pudica is touched or threatened, it responds by shrinking or drooping. The shrinking is a defense mechanism to protect itself from harmful environmental factors like grazing animals and insects.

When responding to the stimuli, its fern-like leaves fold inwards. After a few minutes, the leaves open up again. This process is called Rapid Plant Movement. It’s also where Mimosa picked up it’s nickname “the sensitive plant” — how adorable is that?!

How does it treat parasites?

Mimosa Pudica has many health benefits, including its ability to treat parasites. According to Dr. Jay Davidson, this powerful herb “actively paralyzes parasites and forces them to fall away from their position on intestine walls. This means that the parasites can be effectively flushed from your system.” As Mimosa Pudica binds to toxins in the body (like activated charcoal) and it also restores cell membranes. So not only does this herb paralyze and remove parasites from the body, but it helps to deliver nutrients to the blood and repair cellular damage.

My Experience with Mimosa Pudica

I was prescribed Mimosa Pudica by my LLMD after both my husband and I tested positive for intestinal parasites. He instructed us to use the herb twice daily for at least six months. This ensures that all parasites are actively treated for a good length of time. I’ve also noticed that out of all of the anti-parasitic herbs I’ve taken in the past, Mimosa Pudica seems to be the most gentle.

From my personal experience, it’s really important to drink enough filtered water while taking any type of herbal protocol. Water helps to flush out not only the parasites from your system but also the chemicals that they may be excreting when they die. Sometimes the fatigue from removing parasites and lyme bacteria from your body can be nearly debilitating. This is why rest is crucial. Make sure you get to bed early because this will also help to support your HPA Axis (your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands).

Right now, I’m about three months into my parasite protocol with Mimosa Pudica. For the first couple weeks I felt a slight detox reaction, but nothing that put me out of commission. I’m thinking it is really doing its job! The product I use is from Microbe Formulas. You can order it here off of Amazon. Let me know if you have had success using Mimosa Pudica or any other protocol for parasites and Lyme! If you found this information helpful, please let me know. I can write about some of the other supporting nutraceuticals I am currently taking. Thanks for reading!

Healing Lyme Improving Digestion Parasites

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  • @Niki Yes, you could harvest the seeds yourself but IMO that would be a lot of work to collect enough to grind for the cleanse! I think your best bet is ordering an organic mimosa pudica on amazon

    Melissa on
  • if I grow the plant, can I ingest the seeds from the plant instead of buying a formulation?

    Niki on
  • will this get rid of hookworm we have had a very hard time getting rid of this

    jackie woods on
  • Great content. Thank you so much. I e just ordered it. I ja e a mimosa in my backyard but not sure if it is pudica. I also saved some seeds to reproduce it. Needs a lot of water.

    Jola on
  • how long do you wait before you eat food with the am dosage

    jan budak on

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